
What Is We Day?

We Day is a free event for students to collectively come together and get inspired by a very talented line up from Grammy nominated winners to star athletes to active public educators. Students can join in from all over via the web and they can also review past performances on the We Day website. We Day is happening in the following cities and dates: Seattle on March 27th, Ottawa/Gatineau on April 29th, Atlantic Canada on November 27th, and Minnesota on October 8th. National We Day is being held in Ottawa this year!

What is We Day? We Day is an annual concert held for the young to get pumped up for getting involved in their community and making a difference world wide. It was first held in Toronto, Canada in 2007 with more than 15,000 attendees. We Day is the product of a charity called Free The Children. The crazy part about this movement is that it was co-founded by a 12 year old! Craig Kielburger had a dream to reach millions of people in need to supply them with clean water, health care, sanitation and sustainability. Kielburger has vastly succeeded in reaching millions of people with the message to be excited about getting involved. Free the Children has helped over 650 schools globally with the ability to be clean and free. In 2007 to 2009 students raised over $5 million to charities and donated over 150,000 volunteer hours. Check out this previous news page which goes into more detail about Toronto's 2009 We Day. Since then Free the Children has raised over $2 million just from liking their Facebook page (1 like= 1 dollar). Go to their Facebook page to contribute one dollar by liking Free the Children.

What is the We Act commitment? The We Act commitment is a dedication to complete one local action in your community and one global action. These two actions combined can impact the world. It takes you on a one year journey that helps you implement these ideas into your lessons for your daycare centers, preschools, elementary schools, and even junior high schools. We Act provides you with the necessary requirements and resources once you sign up. If you are interested on more information and signing up click this link. Although signing up for the We Act for your school is currently closed they do have a wait list available. It's only free to attend the event if you sign up for the We Act commitment! There are lots of resources and options available to follow up with the We Act commitment on the We Day Website.

(What a great event to be apart of! I highly recommend watching this live!)

The earliest We Day event is happening in Seattle on March 27th, 2013 at The Key Arena! Check out the line up here. Other line up's for future events will be announced on their website.

Check out the video below to learn more about We Day! Be prepared to get chills!

Have a wonderful day!

-T and Honor Roll Childcare Supply


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